This year Aubrey and Piper are in girl scouts. They are working toward earning Girl Scout Camp this year they both have to hit individual goals of
9 magazine subscriptions and 70 Snack/tumbler items each.
Summer camp were some of the best years of my life and I would love for them to get to experience that. Feel free to share this with any of your friends or family. They have until end of October to hit their goals. :)

There are tons of options including- Tumblers, Chocolate Everything, Snacks, Candy, Magazine Subscriptions galore, and even a Mini Bark Box for dogs this year 😊
The links below are their personalized ones if you want to peek at all of the magazine and snack options.
One act of kindness can change someone's whole world.
Aubrey link
Here are just some of the candy and tumbler options below as a preview 😊
